aspect ratio can be preserved during the process.
• Resize many photos at once, whole directories if you’d like or pick the precise files to resize.
• Rotate images accordingly to the EXIF of the photo.
OS: Windows XP / Vista / 7 / 8
TSR Resize & Rotate – TSR Image Resize & Rotate, fast image resizer and rotater, free for personal use
TSR Image Resize & Rotate, fast image resize and rotate, free for personal use. TSR Image resize & Rotate is integrated into the shell, so you can easily resize or rotate entire folders full of images. TSR Image Resize & rotate will normalize all your camera images if they support tagging the image with orientation information, this way all images taken with the camera on the side will be rotated left or right automatically.
What’s New: Version Few bugfixes Reduced usage of registry Added support for sharing on Flickr, next patch will feature Twitter.